Connected Episode: 523—>

The iPad Guys are back to using the iPad again because of…. OLED.

The most ridiculous thing about this episode, if you have been following the iPad dilemma that the hosts have been complaining about for a year now, is they never addressed any of the reason why they left the iPad in the first place.

iPadOS is close to the same as it has been for the last two years. The hate and continuous complaining that Apple hasn’t done anything is no where to be found in this episode at all. Strange.

Which proves the point I was making all along. Apples focus on Macs made everyone who loves Apple products very interested in Mac. Even the iPad Power Users wanted to use the Mac and found themselves in a dilemma of being a iPad-only person but wanting to use a Mac.

So they all shit on the iPad for over a year to justify them using Macs again and abandoning the iPad, instead of, you know, just recognizing both products as great and sometimes preference comes into play.

This return to using the iPad lot more again, for Viticci he’s back to full on iPad-only, feels gross. No mention of the issues they had before and Mike even off-hand mentioned the M-series Macs caused him to go crazy for Mac’s again.

But the yearlong shitting on iPad and iPadOS is no longer an issue. I guess only when a new OLED display is introduced because apparently that solves everything.

October 18, 2024